The current marketing teams, however, utilized giant Excel spreadsheets with over 50,000 rows. This large amount of data was time-consuming to process and sanitize. As a result, keywords that under-performed were often overlooked and readjusted many months later.
Concepting was mainly done through the use of sketches and rapid prototyping. Sketching out ideas allows us to quickly sort the functionality and foundation of the design. We then tested it with our own internal SEO team and with the users. From it, we were able to quickly develop concepts. After validating the concepts, we digitalized them into a prototype with basic interactions. From this user test, we found that some users don’t look at the keywords and instead focus on pages - which were a group of keywords.
Our core product was a new Keyword Explorer. Within each keyword elements, the visual hierarchy allow users to quickly scan each keywords and its key metrics. Functionality-wise, it allowed users to sort, search, and filter keywords. Furthermore, users can select keywords and add them to their custom groups allowing them to quickly monitor selected sets of keywords.
We used natural affordances to reduce the learned behaviours a user would need. A consistent issue with a new product is adopting and learning a new system. To mitigate, we used a basic traffic light system where users can immediately understand keyword performance without any explanation. We also used simple design patterns to maintain consistency and behaviours. Finally, we used motion to help guide users and improve wayfinding.
Progressive disclouse was vital to presetn the right data at the right time. When the user wants to investigate a keyword further, they can click an element to its performance page. By revealing information only when necessary, it prevented the user from being overwhelmed by the amount of data.
To inform our development and design roadmap, we used our data from user testing and feedback. This allowed us to make impactful decisions and help with prioritizations. For example, users wanted to keywords to expand to the webpages themselves. As a result, we created a page explorer allowing users to look at the SEO data and performance for each page.
Next Project: Deliveroo